Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tuesdays with life

Tuesdays with Morrie
If you haven’t read this book you don’t know what you are missing. This is a true story about two individuals, a student and his teacher. It is a book about the intelligent conversations which happen between the student and his master. This book may not be very familiar with the young population (I am not so old: D) but the same book was in the best seller list of New York Times for consecutive 250 weeks! This books talks about the simple joys of life which we are missing.

Morrie Schwartz, a history professor at Brandeis University, has been diagnosed with ALS and is dying. Mitch Albom is a former student (He didn’t visit his professor for many years), who had become a fairly well known sports writer, heard about his teacher from an interview decided to pay a visit. This visit soon turned into regular meetings - on Tuesdays. In this book Mitch Albom recounts his time spent with his 78 year old sociology professor at Brandeis University, the wisdom of life gained on every Tuesdays.

Even on his deathbed Morrie teaches us on how to live a full live.

Simple Ideas

“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” – Morrie.

There are many books available on self improvement which talks about the ideas in this book but no one has touched my heart & soul in such an effective manner. Morrie teaches us the most important lesson of simplicity. Life is very short. We are always worried about different things in this materialistic world. All these things don’t matter at all. It is the love, the smile, the forgiveness that matters after all.

W. H Suden says in his poem “We must love one another or die.”
“As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on—in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.”

Go and get a personal copy. It is a fast read simple book which you will always cherish.

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